Like many people, I try to set New Years resolutions. This year, I thought I would try to focus on self care. Self-care has been a buzz word for a while, but I’ve never seemed to have the time to do anything for myself. What exactly is self-care? According to Wikipedia, ‘self-care has been defined as the process of establishing behaviors to ensure holistic well-being of oneself”. Not going to lie, that is NOT me. I feel tired and dragged out most of the time. I survive on coffee and sleep terribly. So, while setting my resolutions, I thought ‘what is one thing I can incorporate into my daily routine?’ I decided to start taking baths, yes baths, and I’ll tell you why.

Research has shown that taking a hot bath and hour or so before bed can help people fall asleep 10 minutes earlier and have better-quality sleep. My sleep is restless. Sometimes, to the point of needing a little extra help from sleep aid. So, when I read that a hot bath had research backed benefits to rest and sleep, I thought why not start here.

Baths can be an experience now. There are bombs, oils, salts, milks. You can listen to music, read a book, sip some wine. It doesn’t have to be boring. I personally started with salts, a book, and some wine. Bath salts are not just for relaxing though, according to Healthline, bath salts may help with muscle pain, aching joints, arthritis, circulation problems, headaches, anxiety, and stress.

The holistic benefits are many for one simple act and it doesn’t have to break the bank. You can find bath salts to match your budget, below I listed one you can buy on a budget and one that is a splurge if you want luxury.

Budget but oh, so good:

Pursoma Digital Detox Sleep

Found at Walmart

Living that lux life:

African Botanics Kalahari Desert De-Tox Bath Salts

Found at

*Not affiliated in any way with Walmart, Pursoma or African Botanics.

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